Admission policy
- Policy
- Early Days Crèche and Day Care Centre is committed to offering access to the centre and it facilities, to all adults and child, inclusive of gender, marital status, family status, age, disability, race, sexual orientation, membership of the Travelling Community and religious belief. The childcare service operates an “open door” policy (parents/guardian are welcome at anytime). We see this as an important factor throughout the child’s stay with Early Days.
- Admission Procedure
- Early Days maintains an Advance Booking Register in order to facilitate parents seeking childcare.
- Early Days will take into consideration a family needs for childcare that are urgent and if the Crèche can facilitate we will do so. (Take into consideration moving to the area, etc)
- Early Days will maintain a waiting list when there are no places available. It will be on first come basis.
- Parents can contact the service manager in relation to assistance sought in relation to fees. The service will look at it on a case by case basic.
- The service cater for child from the age of 3 months to 12 years
- An original booking form must be fully completed for each child with the manager prior to the child starting.
- On admission to Early Day parents/guardian we will asked to attend an initial meeting to fill in all the appreciate forms. To ensure that we meet the needs of parents and child
- Early Days Crèche can cater for the following number of Children
- 6 Babies
- 6 Wobblers
- 6 Toddlers
- 8 Pre-schooler
- 10 After School
The facility is wheelchair Accessible in all rooms and outdoor area.
- The only time a child needs to be toilet trained is in the sessional room. I.e. playschool and after-school care.
- The child must be 2.9 months to be able to take part in the playschool.
- Children who have been sick over night should contact the facility to see if is advisable for the child to be on the premises. Please see policy on Health and Nutrition policy for more details
- Please see parent/guardian comments and complaints procedure
- Please contact the crèche before 10.30 if your child is unable to attend.
- Fees and Payments
- Opening hours are from 7.30 to 6.30, Monday to Friday
- The services will be closed on all Bank Holidays, Good Friday and from 24 December to 2 January each year.
- Fees
- The cost for full-time care is 180 euros for children under 18 months
- The cost of full-time care is 170 euros for the remaining rooms
- The cost of morning and after school care is 90 euros including drop off/pick up.
- The cost of play school is 70 euros for 5 days a week
- Fees are payable on the first of each month by credit transfer and in advance
- Fees are payable in the following instances
- When children are sick
- When services is closed for holidays and festivals
- When parents/guardians take holidays
- Any extra cost incurred e.g. outings, events
- When a parent is constantly late to pick children up.
A fee of 5 euro for every 15 minute late
- A 10% discount will operate for a 2 and additional children
- All meals and drinks are provided. All formula milk is provided for the baby room. Please also note that we will also provide children’s bottles and beakers, soothers.
- Please note that we would advise parents not to allow children to bring sweets, crisps, and chewing gum to the crèche.
- Early Days will provide all wipes and nappy creams. Parents/Guardian need to provide the nappies.
- We require a month notice if you are cease the crèche service.
- Collection of children
- For Safety and the well being of your child, it is requested that only Parent/Guardian or Designated person can collect a child.
- It is of the up most importance that names and details of everyone authorised by parent to collect their child is marked on the book form.
- We also request that parents/guardians contact Early Days in advance if someone other than themselves is collecting the child, even if they are a designated person. If we are not informed it will delay the child’s pickup, as we will need to contact the parents.
- Children must always be collected on time.
Signed: __________________________
Dated: __________________________