Parents and Crèche Partnership Policy
- Policy
- It is the policy of Early Days Crèche to have an open, inclusive, respectful, and accepting environment to all that use and work in the service. We would encourage parents to become involved in the service. The service is committed to giving high quality care and learning to all children. Early Days believe by having parents involved within the service, that we can provide excellent care and ensure consistency in home and crèche environment.
- Procedures
- The crèche has an open door policy and we would encourage parents to come into the facility at any time.
- The crèche’s policies and procedure will be given to all parents upon their child starting with the crèche. They will be a copy in reception at all times. If a parent would like a policy e-mailed they can ask the manager to do so. Any changes to policies will be put on the parent notice board and a copy given to each parent.
- When a child is starting with the Crèche, the manager and key worker will organise a meeting with the parents to go through the settling in policy and to ensure there is consistency between home and crèche life. The crèche wants to ensure that parent’s routines are kept to.
- They will be a parent’s notice board in reception, given information on the services etc.
- The crèche wants to ensure that we take into consideration each individuals culture, beliefs, language and customs and where possible put them into their child’s curriculum on a daily/weekly basis.
- Where possible, where English is not a first language we will try and do the following
- Care assistant to learn a couple of key words
- Care assistant to communicate to parents in verbal or non verbal methods
- The crèche will have a quarterly newsletter given information on the crèche activities, pictures of the children, updates on staff, and information on the children. (Like birthdays etc)
- The services will have open days/evening for parents to come in and see the work of their children, discuss development and future plans of the crèche.
- The service believes that it is important for parents to know how their child development is, so the service will agree times with parents to discuss the following
- Developmental progress of their child.
- Behaviour management
- Changes in family circumstances
- Any concerns or difficulties with the service
- It is our policy for care assistants to give general updates to parents on a daily basis. (What the child ate, soiled nappies, how potty training is going etc.)
- A key worker will be assigned to each child, and any concerns or issues can be discussed with the key worker at any time.
- We would encourage parents to give talks on their culture, jobs or any skill that they would believe that would help in the development of the children at the services.
- The crèche will hold social evenings for parents and care assistants.
- The crèche will organise key guest speakers to come in and talk about nutrition, child development etc.
- The area is only assessable to children and care assistant unless authorised by the supervisor or manager.
- That the side gates are closed at all times and are checked before any child is allowed in the area in order to stop a child leaving the premises.
- The Crèche will make available any information needed by parents seeking professional advice.
- This policy will be reviewed on a yearly basis.
Signed: ____________________
Dated: ____________________