Medicine Administration Policy

  1. Policy
    1. It is the policy of Early Days Crèche and in the interest of the children health and Safety, that


  1. Procedures
    1. Children prescribed drugs must be stored in their original containers, be clearly marked with the child’s name, timing and dosage.
    2. All medicine will be stored in the medicine cupboard in the main office.  No children will have direct access to the cupboard.
    3. Two care assistants, one of which should be the key worker should be present when administer any medicine to a child
    4. Care assistant must check to see if there is written permission from the parents to give the child medicine.
    5. Check to ensure that the child name, dosage and time intervals are clearly marked.
    6. Check to ensure the medicine is in date.
    7. Wash hand before and after administering the medicine.
    8. Ensure that the spoon is clean before using it and that it is sterilised afterwards.
    9. Stay with the child until the medicine is swallowed
    10. Only administer the medicine in the presence of others.
    11.  Return the medicine to the medicine cabinet after use.
    12. Care assistant must record the administering of medicine with the following details in the medicine record book and the children’s daily medicine record.  The child’s daily medicine record must be signed by the care assistant and parent at the end of each day to ensure that parents are aware of the timing and dosage given to the child
      1. Name of child
      2. Name of medicine
      3. The dosage amount
      4. Date and time
      5. Name of staff
      6. Name of staff witness


    1. At the end of each day parent must sign the medicine form to ensure they know the timing and about of medicine given that day.
    2. Where a child has a high temperature and natural method of reducing does not work, parents should be contacted to see if Capol or nurofen can be given.  Then follow the above procedure.
    3. Staff will be trained on this policy on a yearly basis and when they start with the crèche.
    4. This policy will be reviewed on a yearly basis.

Signed:        ____________________

Dated:         ____________________